- Aborym - "Psychogrotesque"
- Acherontas - "Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα"
- Aegeon - "Entrance To The Gardens Of Death"
- Al Ard - "Promo"
- Alcest - "Les Voyages De l'Âme"
- Alienante Damnation - "Le Chantre Du Charnier"
- Amesoeurs - "Amesoeurs"
- Ancestral Kvltv - "Ancestral Kvltv"
- Apati - "Eufori"
- Apati - “Morgondagen Inställd I Brist På Intresse”
- Apnea - "Silent Cities"
- Apolion - "Death Grows Into Sperm"
- Apolokia - "Kathaarian Vortex"
- Arcanum Inferi - "Ars Hermetica"
- Arckanum - "Helvítismyrkr"
- Asgrauw - "Promo 2012"
- Austere - "Withering Illusions And Desolation"
- Azaghal - "Nemesis"
- Azziard - "Vésanie"
- Beasts Of Torah - "Necro Nihilist Inferno"
- Barshasketh - "Sitra Achra"
- Bereft - "Bereft"
- Bethlehem - "Sardonischer Untergang im Zeichen Irreligiöser Darbietung (S.U.i.Z.i.D.)"
- Bethlehem - "Stönkfitzchen"
- Black Faith - "Jubilate Diabolo"
- Black Hate - "Los Tres Mundos"
- Blaze Of Perdition - "The Hierophant"
- Blutvial - "Curses Thorns Blood"
- Burian - "Rancore"
- Burzum - "Fallen"
- Burzum - "From The Depths Of Darkness"
- C.M.E. - "Mund"
- Cabra Negra - "Ultimate Sacrifice"
- Catechon - "Il Richiamo Di Orfeo"
- Coil Commemorate Enslave - "L'Infinita Vanità Del Tutto"
- Craft - "Void"
- Crest Of Darkness - "Evil Messiah"
- Crest Of Darkness - "In The Presence Of Death"
- Cruenta Lacrymis - "Demo 2013
- Csejthe - "Réminiscence"
- Dark Managarm - "Back From Hell"
- Dawn Of A Dark Age - "The Six Elements, Vol.1: Earth"
- Deadly Carnage - "Manthe"
- Deadly Carnage - "Sentiero II: Ceneri"
- Decayed - "Unholy Demon Seed"
- Delirio Occulto - "Echoes From The Ancient World"
- Denial Of God - "The Red Terror"
- Der Stürmer - "Trascendental Racial Idealism"
- Diocletian - "War Of All Against All"
- Disiplin - "Radikale Randgruppe"
- Dodsferd - "Spitting With Hatred The Insignificance Of Life"
- Dreariness - "My Mind Is Too Weak To Forget"
- Drowning The Light - "Land Of The Dead Sun"
- Drudkh - "Вічний Оберт Колеса (Eternal Turn Of The Wheel)"
- Eclipse Eternal - "The Essence Of Hopelessness"
- Elitaria - "Widescreen Satanas"
- Elysian Blaze - "Blood Geometry"
- Emanation - "One Soul, One Body, One Spirit"
- Emanation - "Under Magnetic Sleep"
- Empyrean Plague - "Imprint Evidence Destiny"
- Endstille - "Infektion 1813"
- Entartung - "Krypteia"
- Enthroned - "Obsidium"
- Entropia - "Vesper"
- Ergot - "Empty Waters Down The Mist"
- Esphares - "Veritas Liberabit Vos"
- Eternity - "Pestiferous Hymns - Rev. I-I-XXXIII"
- Excruciate 666 - "Rites Of Torturers"
- EXM93 - "Mortualia Nocturnum"
- Exterminas - "Seventh Demoniacal Hierarchy"
- Falloch - "Where Distant Spirits Remain"
- Falls Of Rauros - "The Light That Dwells In Rotten Wood"
- Farsot - "Insects"
- Flagellant - "Maledictum"
- Foret D'Orient - "Essedvm"
- Fornace - "Pregnant Is The Night"
- Frangar - "Bulloni Granate Bastoni"
- Frentrum - "Demo"
- Frostagrath - "A Journey Of infinite Sorrow"
- Frostagrath - "Extinguishing The Flame Of Life"
- Frostmoon Eclipse - "The End Stands Silent"
- Funesta Noire - "Vincula Mundi"
- Fortvilelse - "Memento Mori"
- Förtvivlan - "Förtvivlan"
- Garden of Sadness - "Travesty Of A Human Being"
- Goatmoon - "Varjot"
- God Seed - "I Begin"
- Gorganera - "Proximi Divinitatis"
- Gorgoroth - "Under The Sign Of Hell 2011"
- Grafvolluth - "Long Live Death!"
- Graveborne - "Pure Negativity"
- Gulaggh - "Vorkuta"
- Harakiri For The Sky - "Harakiri For The Sky"
- Hateful Desolation - "Withering In Dust"
- Hell Militia - "Jacob's Ladder"
- Hell Militia - "Last Station On The Road To Death"
- Hellsaw - "Trist"
- Hellterror League - "For Satan We Ride"
- Hellvetic Frost - "Towards A Distant World"
- Holdaar - "Morituri Te Salutant"
- HomSelvareg - "Catastrofe"
- Horna - "Adventus Satanae"
- Horna - "Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa"
- Iapethos - "Shrines Of Chaos"
- Ierru - "Contos De Foghile"
- Ihsahn - "After"
- Ihsahn - "Eremita"
- Imago Mortis - "Carnicon"
- Imago Mortis - "Sgàbula"
- Imbolc - "Il Tempio Del Dolore"
- Immortal Pride - "ProPAGANda"
- Imperium Dekadenz - "Procella Vadens"
- In Corpore Mortis - "Neverwards"
- In Tormentata Quiete - "Cromagia"
- In Tormentata Quiete - "Teatroelementale"
- In Tormentata Quiete - "Il Profumo Del Blu"
- Incipient Chaos - "Sulphur"
- Infamous - "Abisso"
- Infamous - "Of Solitude And Silence"
- Infamous - "Rovine E Disperazione"
- Infernal Angels - "Pestilentia"
- Irrlycht - "Schatten Des Gewitters"
- Kaiserreich - "Ravencrowned"
- Karakondjo - "Багряный блицкриг"
- Kommandant - "Kontakt"
- Kommandant - "The Draconian Archetype"
- Kosmos - "From Innocence To Perversity"
- Krigere Wolf - "Sacrifice To Valaskjàlf"
- Krigere Wolf - "The Ancient Culture To Kill"
- Krigere Wolf - "Victory Of Satan's Warriors"
- Kvlt Of Hiob - "Thy Kingly Mask"
- Lamia Culta - "Woman Scarred"
- Leviathan - "True Traitor, True Whore"
- Lifelover - "Sjukdom"
- Lilyum - "Glorification Of Death"
- Lilyum - "Human Void"
- Lilyum - "Nothing Is Mine"
- Livsnekad - "Den Sociala Vanförheten"
- Loup Noir - "L'Âme De La Steppe"
- Luciferum Penis - "Black Metal Satani-Cum"
- Lugnasad - "Smell Of A Grey Sore"
- Lychgate - "Lychgate"
- Macabre Enslaver - "Le Sporche Strade Della Mente"
- Maerormid - "Abissi"
- Malakhor - "Crushing The Ancient Dogma"
- Malauriu - "Presagi Di Morte"
- Malveillance - "Consentir A L'Absurde"
- Mara - "Inner Ugliness"
- Marduk - "Iron Dawn"
- Marduk - "Serpent Sermon"
- Mare Cognitum - "Phobos Monolith"
- Misere Nobis - "Fade Away Gradually, My Hope..."
- Moonreich - "Curse Them"
- Moonreich - "Loi Martiale"
- Morning Dew - "Morning Dew"
- Morodh - "The World Of Retribution"
- Mors Spei - "De Humanitatis Caede"
- Mortualia - "Blood Of The Hermit"
- Mortuary Drape - "All The Witches Dance"
- Mother Augusta - "The Burning Sun Of Despair"
- Mystagog - "...Of Old"
- Mystical Fullmoon - "Scoring A Liminal Phase"
- Nachzehrer - "Pestilence Hungers In The Shadows"
- Naglfar - "Téras"
- Nazhand - "Life Ruins"
- Nebrus - "Blackera"
- Nebrus - "From The Black Ashes"
- Necromass - "Calix. Utero. Babalon."
- Nefarium - "Ad Discipulum"
- Negator - "Panzer Metal"
- Neglektum - "Blasphemer"
- Nekrypteia - "Αέναον Κλέος"
- Nemesis Irae - "Eradikate Kampaign"
- Neptrecus - "L'Aube Du Déclin"
- Neptrecus - "Neptrecus"
- Nerij - "Fato Ottenebrato Ghermente Anime Inquiete"
- Nerij - "Lophophora Williamsii And Monochromatic Perceptions"
- Nevrast - "Atra Mors Unctoris"
- Nocte Obducta - "Verderbnis - Der Schnitter Kratzt An Jeder Tür"
- Noctem Cursis - "Nocturnal Frost"
- Noctem Cursis - "Wrath Of Winter"
- Nott - "The Grave Age"
- Nox Illunis - "Metempsychosis"
- Nyogthaeblisz - "Apocryphal Progenitors Of Mankind's Tribulation"
- Obscura Amentia - "Ritual"
- Oltretomba - "The Death - Schieràti Con La Morte"
- Oppressive Light - "Entre Les Mains De La Tristesse"
- Orgiastic Pleasures - "Manifesto Barbarico"
- Panzerfaust (Canada) - "Ephphatha"
- Panzerfaust (Italy) - "Vulvanera"
- Paria - "Surrealist Satanist"
- Patris - "Servants Of Hellenism"
- Pensées Nocturnes - "Nom D’Une Pipe!"
- Prison Of Mirrors - "Manning The Galleys"
- Revelation's Hammer - "Revelation's Hammer"
- Revenge - "Scum.Collapse.Eradication"
- Rotten Liver - "Purification By Debauchery"
- Sadiztik Impaler - "Triumphant Decimator"
- Sarcòfago - "Desecration Of Demos"
- Sargeist - "Lair Of Necromancy"
- Sargeist - "Let The Devil In"
- Satanic Warmaster - "Winter's Hunger / Torches"
- Scylla - "Nascency"
- Sedna - "O"
- Seelenmord - "...And We Will Find Only Solitude - Part I"
- Sentinelles - "L'Envol"
- Setherial - "Ekpyrosis"
- Setherial - "Treason"
- Sguaguarahchristis - "Anti Human Black Metal"
- Sguaguarahchristis - "Der Nacht"
- Sguaguarahchristis - "Raven"
- Silent Carrion - "Andras"
- Skitliv - "Skandinavisk Misantropi"
- Solefald - "Norrøn Livskunst"
- Solitude Project - "Suicide Psychosis"
- Solitvdo - "Immerso In Un Bosco Di Querce"
- Sombre Croisade - "Litanie Au Mal"
- Sonnenrad - "Sonnenrad"
- Spectral Lore - "Sentinel"
- Speculum Mortis - "Borgia Orgia"
- STN09 - "Industry Ov Kaos"
- Sulphur - "Thorns In Existence"
- Superior Rage - "Fire Eternal II"
- Svart - "Det Personliga Helvetets Spiral"
- Svart - “Namnlös och Bortglömd”
- Svoid - "Ars Kha"
- Taake - "Noregs Vaapen"
- Teitanblood - "Purging Tongues"
- The Conquering - "Far Beyond"
- The Great Old Ones - "Al Azif"
- The Great Old Ones - "Tekeli-Li"
- The Negation - "Paths Of Obedience"
- The Unchaining - "Ruins At Dusk"
- Their - "Shadows Over Histria"
- Thorgerd - "Cold Empire Of Souls"
- Thränenkind - “Eine Momentaufnahme - Der Rest ist nur Einsamkeit”
- Thrymheym - "Ironia Della Sorte"
- Thy Darkened Shade - "Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs"
- Thyruz - "Svik"
- Tomorrowillbeworse - "Down The Road Of Nothing"
- Tongues - "Thelésis Ignis"
- Tortorum - "Extinctionist"
- Trist - "Nostalgie"
- Truppensturm - "Salute To The Iron Emperors"
- Tsjuder - "Legion Helvete"
- Uhriristi - "Maailma Palaa"
- Uhriristi - "Petetty"
- Uluun - "The Eternal Winter"
- Umbra Noctis - "Il Primo Volo"
- Unpure - "World Collapse"
- Urticant - "Apocalyptical Invocations"
- Utumno - "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellvm"
- Vetusmora - "Lugubre"
- Vision - "Frayeur"
- Vita Odiosa - "Giorni Felici"
- Vita Odiosa - "Vita?"
- Vulture Industries - "The Dystopia Journals"
- Witchcraft - "Hegyek Felettem"
- Wolfuneral - "Reign Of Decadence"
- Woods Of Desolation - "Torn Beyond Reason"
- Woods Of Infinity - "Förlåt"
- Black Trench Alliance
- Everything Was Destroyed, The End Is Near
- Ex Profunditate Animae
- From Underground To The Black Mass...
- Gnosis / Resurrezione
- Lost In Life
- Molasar Dream's
- Permixtio / Ethere
- Spectrum Of War
- The Hammer Of Antichristian Detonation
- The Path Toward Forgetfulness
- Trist / Lonesummer